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About Me

I started writing when I was quite young say 14 or 15 and shared those rudimentary notes with my parents. They appreciated it, and very often gave their candid feedback. Things did not take a serious turn until I moved out of my home and started my career in shipping.
During my watches on the bridge I had all the time in the world. I kept on staring at the sea for hours altogether rewinding events of life as they happened over the timeline. This is when I debated with my own self, pointed out the wrongs I had done and thanked myself for all the right choices. The perspectives kept on shifting, my experiences kept on adding and the thought process underwent lots of changes. Today I feel those 6-7 years gave me a good opportunity to know myself and what came out of those internal battles is my ability to own up my acts and be responsible for them.
Times have changed and so has my career. I have moved into corporate life and when I write today the need is to narrate events, happenings, feelings as I see them. There is no script, no set procedure no rules to write. I pen my thoughts only when the heart says!!

If my musings, my perspectives, my learning’s can be of any trivial use to the world outside I will be happy and feel privileged!!

My life can be summed in these beautiful lines by Robert Frost.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.