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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year Poem

Never has been the time and tide more opportune,
For a bright, bigger and better future than today.
Never have we been more skillful,
To prove our mettle to the world, than today.
Nor have we been ever more blessed,
With families, friends and well-wishers, than today.

Entering a fresh and New Year will you all,
I feel excited to witness this day.
There is so much hope and positivity,
Smiling faces would be seen every day.
We will grow from strength to strength,
Year will be defined by the progress of each day

May all your dreams and wishes be granted,
Even before to the lord you could pray.
May you be richer with wealth and good health,
More than my words could even convey.
May the year bring to you and your family,
Happiness and prosperity all along the way !!

Best Wishes


Rajesh said...

Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Bikram said...

Happy new year to you and family..
