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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dented and Painted Women

Nirbhaya Rape Case in New Delhi "Women who are participating in candle-light vigils and those who are protesting have no connection with ground reality. These pretty ladies coming out to protest are 'highly dented and painted'." What a sensible,sensitive and significant observation from Mr. Abhijeet Mukherjee (Member of Parliament) and highly intellectual son of our president Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. I am impressed that one intelligent person out of thousands, just sat watching the protests to only notice the glam quotient in these recent uprisings. To top it up he even publicly compliments (in fewer words) the women folk for their dressing style, sense of fashion and their non serious motives. So from his perception all these...

Astrology Predictions for 2013

Astrology Predictions for 2013 Aries (March 21 - April 20) 2013 is predicted to be a rewarding year for Aries. You will get desired success in your efforts at the work front. Some major obstacles in your path to success will be wiped out with the right solutions. Passionate nature of Aries will also see them get happiness when taking up their personal affairs. Health will remain good but they will have to pay more attention to love life in 2013. Taurus (Apr 21 - May 21) Renewed energy will help Taurus to come up with new things and achieve success in their innovative ventures. It is going to be a year that will yield sweet fruits for people born under this zodiac sign. Certain challenging situations might cause obstruction...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Internet Generation Demands Justice

The whole of the  last week was consumed by the news of 23 year old girl being molested and inhumanely tortured, in New Delhi. For the past 3-4 days thousands of young children are protesting at India Gate, President House and outside the hospital where the girl is admitted. The news channels,social media, newspapers , tabloids , radio went berserk in reporting the public protest that followed this incident. This response form the masses has been very uncharacteristic of so called 'We The Adjusting and Tolerating Indians'.What really sets it apart is the participation of the youth of our country who came from schools, colleges , workplaces and even their homes. No one has asked them to join this march...