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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bloggers Foundation

Hi !! To all my blogging community. Whether you write on Technology , Entertainment , Education , Science, Personal , Fashion , Philosophy , Life and what not..... consider my thoughts for a moment. Let me lay some premise to this discussion that will unfold in next few paragraphs. I assume that you are a serious blogger, you have something interesting to say and your opinion is unique and is counted. Writing for the pleasure of it is what everyone of us enjoys and unless the thoughts flow at ease words will not shape up as a 'masterpiece'. Till now i hope you all agree that we all love this hobby of ours and would be interested to add more meaning to these creative pursuits. I am not going to talk about SEO , Adsense or Monetization...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Satyameva Jayate - Healthcare for All Indians

Aamir Khan's brainchild ' Satyameva Jayate' Since the day i grew up, my parents taught me that a doctor comes after the god himself. He is one who will save our lives and will pull us out from all ailments. He is the healer and we are the believers.  I believed it , still do but now with a word of caution!! Today i want to write on how Government, Private Medical Colleges & Hospitals, Pathology labs, Pharma companies have diluted the noble profession and  what are the issues that every 'common man' faces. The post is to focus on "Healthcare Services" for every citizen, that should be  affordable, reachable and reposes trust of the patients receiving the benefit. Even 65 years after independence...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blogathon 2012 - Better Luck Next Time !!

Blogathon Blogger's Meet *** I have toned down parts of this post to pacify certain section of readers who found my take on the event,too aggressive and unkind . My views are of my own and the choice to agree or disagree is entirely yours. If your sentiments or sensibilities are ruffled please close the webpage and read something more interesting. You may or may not continue !! _______________________________________________ I replay that moment when i chanced upon this update from one of my fellow FB friends saying that he is going to this event. I wish i had never seen that and been there. Anyways , since i did spend my 5 hours i need to promote this event through my writing which i am doing dutifully !! So lets talk about...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Satyameva Jayate - Marriage Rides on Dowry

Aamir Khan's Brain child  'Satyameva Jayate' Marriages are made in heaven and all we do is execute it with the aid of 'Band , Baaja and Baraat ' & 'DOWRY' . What goes behind the scenes is pretty much agreed as a part of the society norms and what goes after the business transaction surprises all of us. Events like prolonged harassment of the bride, never ending demands, divorce and sadly in some cases dowry deaths.So i ask you all a simple question. Are we not a part of this social evil and have we done enough to curb this?? Let's address the fundamental problem of this issue which starts with the birth of a girl child. All parents are heard saying that from today itself we will save money for our daughter's...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Make the Most of Now

Collage created by Viveksheel for Vodafone Blogging Contest ' Internet is Fun'  At the outset let me first proudly claim that i am a Vodafone post paid user with unlimited data plan. So the  million dollar question " How is internet on mobile fun for me ?" becomes easier to answer !! I was looking for some statistics as to how most netizens use internet on their mobiles and down below is the pie chart to depict the same. Surprisingly my usage pattern is not much different from the data gathered in general. So here is my laundry list of what i do with the internet on my hand held device. A) Connect with friends - Of course yes and resounding yes !!  I have Whats App , Facebook , Twitter & Instant...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Satyameva Jayate - Child Sexual Abuse

Aamir Khan's Brain child  'Satyameva Jayate' I am here to express  gratitude and share my thoughts over the issues that Aamir Khan is raising through his show " Satyameva Jayate" . The topic of today's discussion was 'Child sexual abuse' which is still considered a taboo to be openly discussed in our societies. I am thankful to Aamir for owing up these causes and bringing to our notice issues which we have been avoiding or have been silent on them so far. The reasons could be many but a voice to support a common pain, exploitation , harassment and  abuse is definitely a welcome change and i will support this moment through my writings. When i look back at my childhood there are very faint memories of such occurrences....

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Satyameva Jayate - Female Foeticide

Aamir Khan's Brain child  'Satyameva Jayate' I watched the first episode of the serial that was telecast on air this morning. The theme of the episode was female foeticide and we all are very well aware of this grave issue ailing our society. Today when the facts and figures were shown in the larger perspective and their long term implications were depicted the entire chain of social evils formed a story. My intent is to support this noble initiative taken up by Aamir Khan through my writing and reinforcing the message across the masses. The skewed ratio of male versus female birth might not be alarming when seen as 900 vs 1000 but when this gets multiplied by 1000x the numbers speak something.  We are building a society...