Thursday, November 17, 2011

Childhood Dreams
I stood ground with all decisions made,
To live every moment as it takes.
Suddenly a sharp turn came winding by,
The temptation to walk rising high.
As I walked on the path aimlessly,
Saw a girl walking ahead of me lonely.
I never knew her journey till there,
My mind said there is a lot to share.
I followed her deep in the woods,
Twists and turns, a search for truth.
Across the mountains was her village,
Family, folks a long lineage.
She left and came the other day,
Happy, cheerful in a pleasant way.
Deep in her eyes pain hiding by,
Her smile, a cover to deny.
This time I stopped her to greet,
Fearing if she would retreat.
But seemed she knew me for years,
Laughing and smiling with no fears.
So much to talk between...