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Friday, September 22, 2006


I just watched the movie "Lageraho Munnabhai" and learned this new age concept of 'Gandhigiri'. Wow it's heartening to see that there is a Gandhi in all of us and he knows only what we know. Why not then,  we add more to our knowledge and teach the Gandhi in us -how to survive in today's world. His thoughts , his principles ,his way of putting resistance need a sea change but the spirit should remains same.

Still from the movie ' Lageraho Munnabhai'
Still from the movie ' Lageraho Munnabhai'
Few parameters like spirit of truth, courage, the good soul, the fighter and self believer is what Gandhi means to me. My truth has been relative to the world's lies ,though on the rest of the parameters i would scale better. The reason why i say so is a chequered past, heartbreaks, losses ,frustrations ,defeats and midst of them i have stood. Having suffered in interpersonal and professional relationships i still believe i could have saved much of the trouble had i killed this Gandhi in me.

Very recently i lost a good and a close friend just because the person in me wanted to be true , candid and more of a considerate man. Again the Gandhi in me has lost.

I ask you Mohandas Karam Chand gandhi don't i remember you when i remember my dad's good deeds, when i recall my mother's instilled values , my elders lessons, my teacher's knowledge and my own good acts. Then why don't i see you like Munna bhai ( The Protagonist in the movie played by actor Sanjay Dutt) ?  Why is it that i always loose and in the hope of keeping you and me alive i accept it all with a smiling face. Since i have decided to live with "Gandhigiri" i can and i will survive but not many are me.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Life at IIFT

24th March -2005 ,17 23 pm was the moment when truth dawned on me that finally I had got selected for Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT). How fervently I had wished to be a part and parcel of IIFT and now when I am an IIFTian how does it feels?

I remember the first day when 118 deserving and intellectual minds swayed their destiny to constitute the batch of 2007 appeared on the horizon. They came in all colors and from all corners of the country. Certainly the dreams were rosy and aspirations running high in all minds. They still are but the corporate thing is creeping in and the sense of calm , poise and grace is gradually descending upon all of us
IIFT Bhawan, New Delhi
IIFT Bhawan, New Delhi
Though it has been just 2 months of our presence in this institute we have certainly adopted and adapted the rich legacy of the institute. You talk about back to back lectures, assignments, presentations and more scary quizzes, midterms they all are exciting though enervating at all times. The mantra is everybody has 24 hrs in a day but you got to learn  how to put each and every minute to the best use.

Well this article would be incomplete without mentioning the most respectable form of ragging coined as PDP sessions (Personality Development Sessions). Those 15 to 20 days (of our baptism by fire )was the only time we sat together as a batch relaxing, laughing and enjoying under the star lit sky. This induction process into IIFT certainly helped us in knowing our batch mates, our seniors and finally we parted with some unforgettable memories.

On some serious gains we got a platform in form of the institute to interact with corporates, market leaders and trend setters. The Symposiums, Corporate relationship programs (CRC’s) and guest faculties all come packed with knowledge, experiences and insights. It is so much fortunate that we young minds carve our sparkling careers under the tutelage of these industry leaders. To add to more knowledge we have clubs called Cash-a-nova, Blash, Brandwagon, Quentessential and Koshish. The best part about them is they all are student bodies and they will reach where we want them to be. Our interests our visions coupled with a sense of responsibility is all required to improve the visibility of IIFT.

Finally when destiny has brought us together and intertwined our lives so inextricably let us work for a cause larger than our lives. I depart with the only wish Go IIFT Go, Go IIFT Go ,Go IIFT Go.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Thoughts when i was a mariner

Life seems to have fragmented into the immortal past and a present that has bloomed out of the past. Taking deep voyages into my past to trace the roots of this tumultuous , anxious and a confused existence shows how late i have been . The lengthier is the bridge between the past and the present the lesser are the inferences drawn at every test of life . The insights into the past vaults me into the dungeons of truth which have prisoners of action who were tempted by inexperience , a spirit to set free , a curiosity for the wrong and finally a step intertwined of all these factors.

Life's Rainbow has all colors
Life's Rainbow has all colors
What i could never reconcile with was why in the past the present seemed so colorful and intoxicating , luring us into tunnels of pleasure with no end . The same past i think about now , where the things went wrong?

When the self existence ridicules its own womb , you can sense how unfruitful , misgiving and sporadic the growth has been of our mind and the soul .

The demons of the past and the deities of the present tussle to overpower a wrecked soul .If the past is thought over and fought over life's rainbow will have all its colors  My journey starts now with a treasure and/or a burden called past. The depths are unknown and my plunges superficial ; but i seek solace, peace of mind , some greener pastures and my past and present to be in unison.



Sunday, August 13, 2006

Smokers and Drinkers are a preferred lot

Smoking goes with Drinking
Smoking goes with Drinking
Smokers and drinkers are preferred lot for me than the rest of the mankind. I have my own reasons to say that; you might have your own not to buy my view point.There are certain very commendable things about these special set of people.

Firstly it takes balls to drink or smoke your money out for sheer psychological satisfaction and to reach an 'enlightened state' where one can be true to own self.
It is not only bold but quite brave to speak your heart out even if you a bit tipsy . I guess only a "MAN" can do so. The rest of the crowd you enthrall are parasites who feed and grow on closely guarded details that have provided to them.
I have often analysed friendships born over mugs of beer , whisky glasses or butts of cigarettes are more enduring and long lasting. 

Hail drinkers and smokers and the spirit that keeps us united.........!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Thoughts close to my heart

It is usually our relationship to a life situation or concern that keeps us stuck, not the circumstances themselves . Our situation may and often does change as our manner of carrying it inside us begins to shift . But the external change springs from an inner shift of attitude or perspective , rather than from the effort to control circumstances or manipulate people.